6 Week Online Painting Seminar
April 30 - June 4
Only online course with Amanda Sage for 2022
There will be an opportunity to study at your own pace with recordings from this seminar soon through ViTra.Academy.
Sign up for the mailing list and stay tuned for further announcements.
Every morning we are faced with a new chance to live our best life
and we are renewed with the opportunity to use our time on Earth in a more creative and meaningful way.
What does it mean to be a Regenerative Artivist?
A new wave of visionary creators are rising as the call to action is louder than ever before.
Visions grounded into pigment through the heart and hand carry great power.
An image speaks a thousand words and transcends rational thought by activating a deeper resonance with the viewer.
Together, we will dig deep into the visions we carry for the world we want to live in.
Starting with the foundation of intention, we will build an environment with a story that has a message.
This seminar consists of:
- Live online classes (Main sessions on Saturdays)
- Observational skill building.
- Methods for revealing the story that wants to come through you.
- Mischtechnik approaches in both acrylic and oil will be demonstrated.
- Students will be able to paint in just acrylic or both.
- Recordings available for those unable to join live.
- Group reviews by Amanda and team.
- Journeys and Guest Lectures.
- Online exhibition celebrating student's work.
For more information go to:
'The Cloud Messenger'
acrylic, casein & oil on canvas
Commission for Rahat Mahajan's film The Cloud Messenger
acrylic, casein & oil on canvas
Commission for Rahat Mahajan's film The Cloud Messenger